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About us

Hi, my name is Martin Olofsson and Im a fisherman from Smögen. We have been fishermans in my family for generations and when Iwas a child I was out with my grandfather Eby and fished as often as I could.

I wanted my own fishingboat and that dream came true when I was 16 years old.Together with my father Tommy, we have developed the fishing to also drive fishing and archipelago tours.


Nowadays we have two boats, LL44 Marie which is built entirely accordning to our wishes by a shipyard in Trondheim in Norway. We use Marie for our commercial fishing. Our other boat is called LL7 Ester-Marie and is a catamaran built in England.It is mostly used for touristfishing. The most profitable fishing we do is caged crayfish, but also sprat,mackrel and lobster.

When springs comes and the weather allows, we are happy to take tourists on our fishingtrips.We are proud to see our beautiful archipelago and exciting sea for guests from near and far. Families with children are particularly welcome and for you we have made the familyfishingtrip. There is nothing more fun than seeing the joy when a child has pulled up his first mackerel. The memory warms up well when we are out a windy winterday and fish crayfish.

We know the archipelago as our own pocket and always make every effort to find the best fishingspot for the day. There are nany different factors that play as winds, current, season. The boats have most advanced equipment on board that leads us right and we have our solid experience that we have kept for generations. In addition, we often have happines and luck om our side.

Here are the different tours that we arrange and we hope you find the one you like the most. If you have any questions or special requests, you are always welcome to talk to us. We do all we can to make you satisfied.

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